The Golf of Lubumbashi is an 18-hole Par 73 course housed in an exceptional green setting in Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga Province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Built in the middle of the primary savannah in 1934 by the British Consul Sir H. Graham Willis, the Lubumbashi golf course extends over 64 hectares wooded with rare trees and is home to no less than 171 species of birds that have found refuge there.
Classified as an ecological heritage of the city of Lubumbashi, golf plays an essential role in the environmental balance of a rapidly changing city.

Rankings and results of the Lubumbashi Amateur Golf Open 2023
Download "VADE MECUM de l'Open de Golf Amateur du Golf Club de Lubumbashi du 5 au 7 octobre 2023 (édité le 10/09/2023)" Scores Lubumbashi OPEN 2023 : PRO GROSS 1e: Havret, Gregory, Hdcp: 0, Total Gross: 209 2e: Mapwanya, Visitor, Hdcp: 0, Total Gross: 211 3e: Mketekete, Ignatius, Hdcp: 0, ...